Now, this doesn't mean we should go around seeking things to suffer about. Nor does it mean we should try to find joy in suffering, or pretend it's not really true suffering. But the idea behind learning to sit with suffering when it occurs is to help us see that we can be present even when things aren't going so swell. It also helps us see that suffering doesn't last any more than happiness does. They both occur, but nothing (not even joy or sadness), lasts indefinitely.
For example, when a person is trying to break a bad habit, such as drinking, they may find that when cravings come, they are suffering. To run from the suffering they might reach for alcohol or other substances to try to make the discomfort stop. But if an individual can learn to sit in the discomfort instead, they will eventually see that cravings don't last, and so the suffering doesn't either. But if we try to run from the reality of life's discomforts, we only get even more uncomfortable and suffer even more.
So too, when we experience anxiety it's also a good idea to try to decipher if it's the kind of anxiety that just comes with life, or if it is excessive anxiety. If it is normal to feel anxiety about a particular event in life, then trying to escape it might not be the best answer. Avoidant behavior and isolation can prevent the realization that anxiety doesn't last any more than relaxation does. Therefore, trying small steps towards exposing oneself to the stressful life event is good medicine. Taken in small steps, one can learn to face some of the more anxiety provoking things that come with life.
One of the things that Buddhists learn from practicing meditation is that sitting for prolonged periods of time is actually very difficult. Your legs fall asleep. Your back hurts. Your seat hurts. You want to scratch an itch on your nose but are encouraged to not move. And so suffering is in full force. But what happens is that the meditator learns that when the final bell rings to signal that the round of meditation is over, everything changes, and the question is... did the practitioner miss the whole thing because they were only focused on how to escape all of that suffering? Or were they sitting in the discomfort as a practice in the present moment of what was really happening. In only the latter case does one learn to accept that life is not all happiness and comfort, nor should it be.
If we spend most of our life trying to escape suffering, we don't really experience life itself, because as was said at the start of this article... reality is full of suffering. It's a part of what life is. Running from suffering is what substance abuse, over-spending, over-eating, gambling, excessive sex, and many other behaviors looks like. But all of these just lead to more awareness of the facts of life. That it's going to keep changing, and it's going to be full of many moods, many feelings, many events, and none will be permanent.
Anything we want to do to make improvements in our lives will come with some form of suffering. It's up to us if we want to perfect our skill of studying suffering and what we are like when in it, or if we want to perfect our skill of pretending we can escape the sufferings that come with human life and live in the false belief that we should be exempt from that reality.
You can find my previous blog entery about learning to accept things as they are, rather than always wanting them to be other than what they really are here.
"It's not impermanence that makes us suffer. What makes us suffer is wanting things to be permanent when they are not." ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Thanks to Brett Jordan for the great image,