Rooms created for relaxation are typically inviting, in that they provide relaxing places to sit, lounge, or meditate, and generally make a person want to stay rather than leave. So, comfort is the name of the game. Comfortable furniture, comfortable colors that are gentle on the eyes, comfortable sounds and surroundings that make a person want to take a deep breath and relax.
Plants and artificial plants are very important in the making of a relaxation room. The greenery and earthy colors take us back to our roots and remind us we are part of nature itself. In addition, water fountains provide meditative sound and noninvasive visual stimulation for letting the mind go. Some water fountains are a genuine work of art all in themselves. A more costly addition would be a hot tub in your special place, but this is not always a luxury everyone can afford. However, favorite sculptures and wall decor can personalize a room, as this is also important in bringing familiarity that lets you know it is home.
A special place you go to for relaxation, ritual, reading or meditation is something you can create as a part of your ongoing stress reduction plan. In order to create a relaxation room for yourself you have to spend some time thinking about what things enhance relaxation for you personally. What colors calm you? What sounds tend to bring your blood pressure down? What kind of environment pulls you in and makes you want to stay?
To begin your initial plans for a relaxation room, try focusing on the senses. What you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel in this "to-be-created" room is going to be unique to you and those who will be utilizing it. It will eventually be a gathering of all the things you know bring you relaxation. Will it have a place to make and sit for tea? Maybe a meditation cushion and blanket? Will there be music or silence? Does it have your favorite books? Or will you do other things to relax the mind, such as artwork, journaling, or mindfulness practices?
Regardless of the outcome, creating a personalized, special place to go for relaxation is a great way to stay on top of your stress management. In the end it only needs to slow you down, give the muscles and mind a break, and remind you it is always there for you to come back to again and again.
Thanks to F.D. Richards for the great photo