Quotes to Live By

You are not alone.
19.1% of US Adults have Anxiety

"Everyone thought I was bold and fearless and even arrogant, but inside I was always quaking."
    ~Katharine Hepburn (who suffered not only from stage fright, but from Essential Tremors and was frequently mislabeled by the media as having Parkinson's)

"Creating something was what helped me from just spinning apart like an unweighted flywheel."
     ~Stephen Colbert (who started having panic attacks in his late 20's)

"I did a lot of work on myself"
     ~Barbara Streisand (who for 27yrs performed only for political events or fundraisers due to stage fright)

"I thought, if I don't calm down I'm going to be in serious trouble."
     ~Oprah Winfrey (who said that anxiety nearly caused her to have a nervous breakdown)

"Some people are meant to fly.  And I don't know if I was meant to fly, but I do it now."
     ~Whoopi Goldberg (who didn't fly for 30yrs after witnessing a mid-air collision between two planes)

"I'm scared of audiences... I have anxiety attacks a lot."

"To make that decision to receive help is not a sign of weakness.  In today's world, more than ever, it's a sign of strength."
     ~Prince Harry

"Meditaion is a doable, realistic, scientifically researched way to get significantly happier, calmer and nicer."
     ~Dan Harris (ABC co-anchor who had a panic attack on air in 2004)