Sunday, January 16, 2022

Self-Inspiration as a Way to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

It's interesting (especially during this time of COVID), that the definition of "inspire" is not only "to influence, motivate or produce a feeling", but also to "inhale" or "breathe in air".  And those who have experienced the harshest of the COVID virus know that "breathing in" is nothing to take for granted.  One survivor was quoted as saying that because our breathing comes so automatically and naturally, "It was quite alarming to have to actually think about each breath."  But the other definition of inspire has a very similar feel in that we can find our ability to inspire others so that it becomes automatic, or we might have to actually think about it and work at it until it becomes a natural part of who we are.  And then there is thinking even one more step beyond just inspiring others, that is...learning "self-inspiration".  In the same way many brave COVID survivors are learning to breath all over again on their own--the rest of us can also learn to become self-inspiring in the same way.  Those who can inspire others, can inspire themselves as well.

Inspire is a little different from just encouraging, although they are very similar.  Encouraging is to push someone to have courage or strength (nudging them along), while inspire is to "inhale" or "breathe in", or in other words, "take in or fill up".  If you were giving CPR you would literally be breathing air into another human being and so to psychologically inspire someone, you have to give something...breathe some passion or feeling into them, and if you are inspiring yourself, you have to breathe in or take something like that in for yourself.  Like a scuba diver who, while rescuing another diver, quickly takes a breath from the oxygen mouth-piece for themselves in order that they both make it back to the surface alive.  Taking psychological breaths for yourself is the way to bring stress and anxiety levels down and assure that you make it back to the surface of this game called life.

Here are some ideas for applying self-inspiration to your life:

  • Create daily affirmations that specifically apply to the things you are passionate about
  • Take time out to rest and re-energize when you feel your energy depleted
  • Look for rituals, mementos, quotes, books, movies, and other inspiring items that feed you
  • Set goals that reflect the things that matter most to you in life
  • Eat a well balanced diet that keeps your body at its best performance
  • Exercise your body in order to feel your best and stay in the game of life
  • Fill up your psychological and emotional tank on a regular basis
"We can make ourselves miserable,
or we can make ourselves strong. 
The amount of effort is the same."   
       ~Pema Chodron

Thanks to Guian Bolisay for the great photo